- 出血{しゅっけつ}の原因{げんいん}が血管奇形{けっかん きけい}かどうかを解明{かいめい}する[明らかにする]
reveal whether the cause of bleeding is a blood vessel malformation 意味
- "reveal to the public the actual conditions of the treasury" 意味
- "reveal unexpected problems" 意味
- "reveal what's going on" 意味
- "reveal whether pressure is increased in other areas of the brain" 意味
- "reveal whether the bones in the spinal column are thin" 意味
- "reveal whether the lymph nodes are enlarged" 意味
- "reveal which part of the brain is most active when" 意味
- "revealability" 意味
- "revealable" 意味
- "reveal whether pressure is increased in other areas of the brain" 意味
- "reveal whether the bones in the spinal column are thin" 意味
- "reveal whether the lymph nodes are enlarged" 意味
- "reveal which part of the brain is most active when" 意味